Tuesday, March 21, 2006

At this time I'm looking over my media for the second episode while thinking of ways to trim and polish my first episode. I must admit I was a little nervous about unleashing it last week while being critiqued. However, it was constructive for me (especially coming from Evan Donn...after all he is "da man".

A few changes I've made...

I've slowed down my stills

Broken the wordy introduction into shorter individual clips and mixed it in with the stills. And of course, it's taken my 3 minute 8 second piece to 4 minutes. I hope to have it trimmed down by Wednesday night.

The next thing I need to do is figure out how to eliminate the shaky stuff happening at the top of two of my video clips. If anyone has any ideas for me I'd appreciate it.

Meanwhile, I am excited about putting my first episode of Planetary Liberation on internet TV. Trying to get kinks out as best I can, while preproduction ideas flow in for Episode 2. The two are happening simutanously. I feel good about all the footage I have. My whole story (along with the footage) was not something that I just thought of recently. It's been with me since I was in Zim in 2004. The classes I've taken with Evan and the time I've spent with the Mac Genius' have been more of a structure for me to follow while learning new techniques on how to create an educational documentary that's inspirational, educational, and uplifting to humanity as I experience my creative process and life purpose more deeply. Its kind of like the grad school student writing her/his thesis. The thesis is pretty much a book and it can be published as one, if one desires. Get it... I'm definitely enjoying the ride and it's for a good and meaningful cause.

I had no idea I would be in it. That was not a part of the plan. It just so happens that when I show up with a camera, there are those who insist I get in front of it. In this case I think it works at this point.

In the second episode I plan to use more audio from my radio interview to describe what's happening in the stills.

That's it for now. Until next time...

Peace Out!


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